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Guided tours of the Filangieri's Palace and its gardens

Sat, 05 Sept


Palazzo Filangieri de Candida Gonzaga

A monthly appointment upon reservation, to visit the spaces of the Palace and listen to its history. Palazzo Filangieri takes part to the events of FAI National Trust of Italy.

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Guided tours of the Filangieri's Palace and its gardens
Guided tours of the Filangieri's Palace and its gardens

Orario & Sede

05 Sept 2020, 11:00 – 18:05

Palazzo Filangieri de Candida Gonzaga, Via Formose, 81016 San Potito Sannitico CE, Italy


In small groups of max 15 people, You will be welcome to enjoy the splendid atmosphere of the Palace, get to know its various environments, including the Room of Icons, the Hall of Ethnic Artefacts, the Stables, and the splendid gardens. Reservation is kindly requested.

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