Palazzo Filangieri, seat of the Gaetano Filangieri Association, is located in the small but very lively village of San Potito Sannitico, one of the municipalities of the Parco del Matese. The name derives from San Potito, a 2nd century saint whose relics, discovered in Tricarico, were brought to Benevento from where the cult radiated. The municipal area has been inhabited since ancient times as evidenced by some archaeological finds. In the fifteenth century it was called Casale Sancti Potiti and depended administratively on Piedimonte Matese. In 1615 he obtained a first and partial administrative autonomy which led to the establishment of an autonomous municipality in 1749. Since 1862 it is called San Potito Sannitico. In 1945 it passed from the province of Benevento to that of Caserta.
In the village you can visit the ruins of an imperial Roman villa (loc. Torelle) and the aqueduct (loc. Formose) , the church of S. Caterina (1400) and the church of S. Cassiano, the tuff tombs of the Samnite age, a votive stipe (Conca dell'Arena) and a small temple (Le Fate). But San Potito is much, much more. For many years municipality and local associations have been active to create multiple occasions for welcoming and collaborating with artists, especially in the field of cinema (Cinema D'amare, Fate Cinema), mural and participatory art (FateFestival) and architecture (the project for the construction of the Domes of Fabrizio Carola, which involved students and volunteers from all over the world and is now part of the educational institution) leaving to citizenship visual remembrance that can be admired by amazed visitors. The Filangieri Association is therefore part of a continuity of intent already tested by the Proloco Genius Loci, a pioneer in the cultural initiatives of the place, and initiator of a rebirth for the spirit of initiative in San Potito Sannitico with a look at the rest of the world.
The Matese territory consists of a chain of mainly limestone mountains located between Molise and Campania. It is a territory rich in wild places, populated by wolves and royal eagles, sweet landscapes, with lakes with blue waters where the tops of the mountains are mirrored, original and well-preserved historical centers, a lot of history, also made of relationships always tense between Romans and Samnites, genuine, unique and tasty typical products. This vast natural and protected area is located just 2 hours by car from Naples and just as many from Foggia. It is a large rib of the Apennines which formally belongs mostly to the Campania region. There are three lakes: Matese lake, Letino lake and Gallo lake. Obviously there is no shortage of waterways such as the Tammaro river, the Titerno river and the Lete river, perched villages that offer glimpses of a past time and panoramas that change according to the seasons. The headquarters of the M atese Regional Park Authority is located in San Potito Sannitico.